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Protect a healthy smile
Stay away from allergy worries

Eliminate the impact of allergic diseases on the public, pioneer prevention, comprehensive and accurate diagnosis, strengthen safe and comfortable treatment, and ultimately make allergy a thing of the past.

Treating the disease before it’s too late

About Immubaste®

An innovative company focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of allergic diseases. Its original technical team has been deeply involved in this field for more than 40 years. The researchers come from the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Allergy and Immunity, the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University. Department of Allergy, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University.

The company aims to eliminate/reduce the impact of allergic diseases on the public, pioneer prevention, comprehensive and accurate diagnosis, strengthen safe and comfortable treatment, and ultimately make the public stay away from allergies.

Reduce the incidence of allergies

How to achieve desensitization

  • Allergen immunotherapy is the only treatment that addresses the cause of allergic diseases and can alter the course of these diseases. It involves gradually exposing patients to allergens under controlled conditions where symptoms are managed, thereby inducing immune tolerance. Consequently, patients become non-allergic to those allergens. Mechanistically, what we refer to as prevention is equivalent to allergen immunotherapy. It involves gradually exposing individuals to allergens without worsening symptoms, thereby inducing immune tolerance and rendering them non-allergic to these allergens in the future.
  • Extensive research indicates that earlier exposure to allergens facilitates easier induction of immune tolerance, thereby reducing the incidence of allergies. Therefore, exposing individuals to effective allergens in appropriate concentrations early in life can decrease the occurrence of allergies later on and avoid various allergic symptoms.
  • Mucosal immune pathways are more likely to induce immune tolerance. Normally, humans can encounter allergens through various routes, such as the skin and gastrointestinal tract. Among these, mucosal exposure is more likely to induce immune tolerance in the body, effectively countering attacks by allergens encountered later.
  • This product is broad-spectrum: its core addition comes from food sources and contains no medicinal ingredients. It includes the main representative allergens, covering 90-100% of patients. It has a broad spectrum of activity and can be used safely and continuously. This product can be used for prevention in cases of inhalant allergies, food allergies, and microbial allergies.

User Feedback

"I recently used Immubaste® ointment for oral ulcers. After three days of use, I clearly felt that it had an effect on allergic rhinitis. My nose was ventilated and my oral ulcers gradually improved. I felt that it had a more significant effect on the nose, and my nasal congestion and runny nose were reduced. ”

Mr. Li

"My daughter got rhinitis 20 years ago and it is getting worse. She has to go to the hospital for treatment every winter to get relief. She usually uses Rhinitis Tong every day to breathe normally. After using Immubaste® Oral Care Ointment, she is now completely cured and has no symptoms at all. Symptoms of a blocked nose."

Ms. Wang

"My daughter-in-law's mother lives in the Northeast, where the weather is very cold, reaching more than 30 degrees below zero in winter. Living in a cold area for a long time caused her to suffer from severe rhinitis. When the weather gets cold, her nose becomes stuffy, runny, and sneezing. Regular treatment in the hospital can only provide temporary relief but not a radical cure. After using Immubaste® Oral Care Ointment, this phenomenon has never happened again. This product is convenient and effective. I like it very much."

Mr. Huang

"Both my father and I have used Immubaste® Oral Care Ointment. My sneezing frequency has decreased than before, and my father's gum problems have also improved. However, my eczema has not improved much and may need some treatment. Time, I haven't used up the first one yet, I look forward to the effect of using it for a longer period of time."

Mr. Hu

"I had a very severe cough when I was in Wenchang, Hainan. I went to the hospital to see a specialist but there was no relief. After using Immubaste Oral Care Ointment for a period of time, I came to Wenchang again, but without special medication, I could clearly feel that the cough was reduced. , the effect of the ointment is very significant. I rarely cough when the weather is hot. I will cough when the temperature drops under air conditioning, but the overall situation is much better than before. I look forward to continuing to use Immubaste® Ointment to bring better results."

Ms. Zhao

Frequently Asked Questions

I saw in the instructions that it is suitable for auxiliary treatment of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. I am not sure how to use it. Should I apply it on my nose or just brush my teeth?

How does this oral care ointment work? Can brushing your teeth relieve allergic rhinitis?

Can this ointment be used by children? Will there be any side effects with long-term use?